The animal feed

The importance of correct nutrition for our pets.

Providing a good quality of life for our pets includes a proper and balanced diet.

Animals, just like us, need a correct and balanced diet, from the moment they are born until the end of their lives. Although there is more and more interest in this, it is still a lot to know and make conscious, since there are still many of us who have a pet under our responsibility and we do not give the importance that good nutrition deserves.

The common goal is to give the best possible quality of life to the pet, and that goal is not achieved if we do not care about what they eat.

Nowadays, most pet food brands are designed so that the animal consumes a sufficient amount of all the nutrients it needs on a daily basis. However, each animal is different and there are many factors that we must take into consideration to know if we are feeding our pet correctly: activity they develop, metabolism, age, specific needs…

Some animals require special nutritional care and it is necessary to supplement their daily diet with complementary foods, for example: chondroprotectors, multivitamins, relaxants for anxiety, reinforcements for fur and skin… Although it is important to know that it is not necessary to wait until the animal suffers any pathology to start supplementing it, but the fact of doing it preventively can avoid or slow down the appearance of diseases, even to improve their condition and general health.

The life expectancy of our pets is each time higher, and that is due to the better care they receive from us. This fact means that there are more and more diseases or they reach higher levels of development, and as a consequence, the need for food supplementation grows, to maintain and even improve the quality of life we want to provide them.

Many of us will agree that the company of our pets is unique, and for this reason only, they deserve the best care that we can offer them.

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